Cluegle generates crossword puzzles based on real-time search engine data.
Cluegle is a completely new kind of crossword puzzle, based on the most popular search terms.
New puzzles are continuously regenerated in real-time, the algorithm making sure that every clue is fresh and relevant. The clues are endlessly unpredictable, since they are powered by our constantly-evolving curiosity.
Cluegle reveals other things about human psychology, too. What are millions of people all over the world really searching for? The truth can be funny, weird, silly, frightening, charming, or sometimes downright baffling. But one thing is for certain—it's not what you expect! Even viral memes and references to breaking news are sometimes found in the game play.
So, how well do you know what the hive mind is thinking? Compete with other players and find out!
I'm feeling lucky!
To the Crafting Altar we go!
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